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Preventing Nappy Rash | Singapore (the organic way)

Preventing Nappy Rash | Singapore (the organic way)

Nappy rash is a skin condition that causes babies’ skin to become red and sore on the buttocks and nearby areas.

It is usually caused by wet dirty nappies touching and rubbing the skin. The rash can worsen if the skin gets infected, or if it is even more irritated by urine, faeces, soap or detergent.

Nappy rash can be mild and clear up easily with home care, or it can be more severe and need medical treatment. Severe nappy rash is more widespread and there may be open, weepy sores.

nappy rash prevention | gaia baby singapore

Here are some things you can do to help protect your baby.


  • Try to minimize the amount of time that a wet nappy is against your baby’s skin.
  • Use very absorbent disposable nappies – these will absorb more fluid than cloth nappies and keep the skin drier.
  • If you use cloth nappies, change them every 2 hours and avoid nappy liners.
  • Do not use plastic over-pants.
  • Let your baby have some time without a nappy each day, if possible.

Cleansing your baby’s skin

  • Avoid harsh baby wipes or antiseptic with alcohol – these can irritate your baby’s skin.
  • To wipe your baby’s skin clean, use plain lukewarm water on cotton wool or a soft cloth wipe or bamboo wipe.
  • When you bathe your baby, avoid ordinary soap. Instead, use use a gentle & mild bath wash suitable for babies.
  • Don’t use talcum powder on your baby’s nappy rash. Consider talc-free powder.

Barrier creams and ointments

  • Every time you change your baby’s nappy, use a protective cream or ointment that contains zinc.
  • When you use creams and ointments, apply a thick layer on the skin under the nappy so that the wet nappy will not be able to touch your baby’s skin.

Ask your Doctor, Child and Family Health nurse, or Pharmacist for advice.

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Infant Massage Tips | Singapore

Infant Massage Tips | Singapore

Baby massage is when a parent or primary carer lovingly strokes or holds their baby. Using a high quality light fragranced pure sweet almond oil, soothing holds and rhythmic strokes are given on each area of baby's body, following a sequence that has been developed over many years. The massage offers a wonderful experience and a special time to communicate both verbally and non-verbally with babies, so that they feel loved, valued and respected.


Benefits of Baby Massage

For your baby

  • Helping your baby to feel securely attached
  • Helping your baby to feel more loved, valued and respected
  • Reduced crying and emotional distress
  • Increased levels of relaxation and longer sleep
  • Development of body awareness and coordination
  • Relief from wind, colic, constipation and teething discomfort

For you

  • Feeling closer to your baby
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of your baby's behaviour, crying and body language
  • Providing an enjoyable opportunity to spend one-to-one time with your baby
  • Feeling the relaxing effects of giving your baby a massage
  • Increased confidence in your ability to care for and nurture your baby
  • Learning a life-long parenting skill

best baby massage oil, singapore

GAIA Natural Skincare Singapore
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Baby First Toothpaste (Organic), Singapore

The best way to clean baby teeth

Dental care for your baby can start before their first tooth emerges, which generally tends to happen when they are around 6-8 months old.

From when they are about 3 months old, you can gently wipe your baby’s gums using a damp, clean face washer or gauze twice a day. This helps your baby get ready for brushing when the first tooth appears.

When they get their first tooth at around 6 months, you can try to introduce a soft toothbrush and a flouride-free toothpaste. However, you may find at this age they will not be welcoming to receiving it.

How to Care For Baby's Teeth, Singapore | Gaia.com.sg


  1. Position your baby so you can see their mouth and they feel secure. It might help to sit on a bed or the floor with your baby lying down so that their head is on your lap.
  2. Cup your baby’s chin in your hands, with their head resting against your body.
  3. Lift your baby’s lip to clean teeth using soft, circular motions.
  4. Make sure you spend time on the front and back of each tooth and also the gum line.

Preventing early tooth decay

Teeth cleaning alone isn’t a guarantee against tooth decay. Diet and the way you feed your baby are also important.

Give babies only breastmilk or formula until you introduce solids at around 6 months. Breastfed and formula-fed babies older than 6 months can also have small amounts of water. Avoid giving your baby sugary drinks. Once you introduce solids, also avoid giving your baby foods high in sugar.

Don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle. When your baby is asleep, there’s less saliva in the mouth to protect teeth. If your baby falls asleep with a bottle, milk might slowly drip into your baby’s mouth and soak teeth. This puts your baby at risk of tooth decay. Also note that putting your baby to sleep with a bottle is a choking risk.

Organic Baby Toothpaste Singapore | Gaia Natural Baby

GAIA Natural Skincare Singapore
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